The Far Eastern Affairs N4 2009


The Joint Russian-Chinese Statement on the Results of the Summit Meeting in Moscow
The Ekaterinburg Declaration of the Heads of State of the Member-Countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
A. Nagiyev. The Influence of the Energy Security Factor on the Formation and Prospects of China’s Cooperation with African Countries
A. Senatorov. Japan: From “Bureaucratic” to “Political” Management
S. Suslina, V. Samsonova. South Korean Projection of the World Financial Crisis
V. Kistanov. Japan’s Economy: the Strongest Crisis in Postwar Years
N. Ryzhova. The role of border Cooperation in the Development of Outlying Cities of China and Russia
Russian Far East
N. Kozykina, L. Sizikova. The Migrant Situation in Trans-Baikal Region
N. Platonova. The Far East and the Baikal-Amur Railway Line (1974-1984)
A. Larin. Chinese Students in Russia
E. Biryulin. Problems of the Realization of the 11th Five-Year Plan of Environmental Protection and Energy Consumption Trends in China
A. Kuzminova. The “White Terror” on Taiwan. Reconstruction of Events in the 1950s
N. Yegorov. The Far-Eastern Section of the Subversive-Terrorist Organization “Russian Pravda Brotherhood”
S. Kuznetsov. Russians on Hokkaido
A. Fedorin. Lunar-Solar Calendar in the Far East: Vietnamese Variant
In the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society
A. Kartunova. The 90th Anniversary of the “May 4 Movement”
T. Lazareva, T. Gerasimova. The 23rd Annual Scientific Conference of the Center of Political Studies of China — “Results of the Socio-political Development of the PRC During the Years of Reforms”
Book Reviews
V. Grinyuk. Military Defeat as a “Form of Cognition” (From Marco Polo’s Bridge to Pearl Harbor: Who Bears Responsibility?)
L. Zabrovskaya. Koreyskoye uregulirovaniye i interesy Rossii. Kollektiv avtorov // A Korean Settlement and Russian Interests. Team of Authors
A. Volokhova. Kitai v mirovoy i regionalnoy politike. Istoriya i sovremennost’ // China in world and Regional Politics. History and Our Time
Scholar’s Jubilee
Victor Baryshnikov is 80



A. Senatorov. Japan: From “Bureaucratic” to “Political” Management
In the process of adaptation of state management to the condition of the XXI century one of the objectives of the administrative reform in Japan is to overcome bureaucracy and create strong political government. The author reviews the opinions on the subject by Japanese ruling elite and problems arising on the way to goal.
Key-words: bureaucratic government, political government, government structure reform, Japanese system of government service.

S. Suslina, V. Samsonova. The South Korean Projection of the World Financial Crisis
The authors consider the basic manifestations of world financial crisis in the Republic of Korea — one of the most developed countries in East Asia. The article provides the analysis of South Korea’s opportunities to win the recession, government measures, the moving trends of the negative tendencies in the country economy.
Key words: the Republic of Korea, financial crisis, knowledge economy, financial liberalization, government policy, post-industrial development, trade and economic cooperation.

V. Kistanov. Japan’s Economy: the Strongest Crisis in Postwar Years
The world financial crisis hit the Japanese economy harder than other developed countries. Unlike the “lost decade” of the 1990-s, which symbolized the collapse of the “bubble economy”, today’s recession was evoked by the strongest drop in demand for Japanese cars and electronics in the European and US markets. The recession may turn out to be the deepest and the longest one in the postwar history.
Key words: financial crisis, Japanese economy, deflation, “bubble economy”, export, import, budget.

N. Platonova. The Far East and the Baikal-Amur Railway Line (1974—1984)
The Russian government is now interested not only in the Far East and its natural resources. The focus of its attention is also the infrastructure of this region and in particular the possibility of rebirth and exploitation of BRL as an important part of the Transsibirian Railway Poad for strengthening international cooperation with Asiat Pacific countries. Some socio-economical problems in the period of BARL construction (1974—1984) are also reviewed.
Key words: Baikal-Amur railway line, railway transport, Asia-Pacific region, migration at Far East.

E. Biryulin. Problems of the Realization of the 11th Five-Year Plan of Environmental Protection and Energy Consumption Trends in China
Fast economic development of China is accompanied by further deterioration of its environment. The Tenth Five-year Plan Environmental Protection (2001-2005) has not been fully executed. The Eleventh Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) provides decrease in the production of water pollutants on COD and emissions of SO2. The main problem of realization of the plan relates to power consumption tendencies in China.
Key words: the plan, environment, emissions, sulphur dioxide, COD, power consumption, coal.