The Far Eastern Affairs N4 2011


Presidential Decree, on State Awards of the Russian Federation in Science and Technology, 2010
High Awards of Russian Sinologists
Statements by the State Award Winners during the Kremlin Rewarding Ceremony
A. Kobzev. Encyclopaedia as a form of Mutual Knowledge of Russian and Chinese cultures
Joint Statement by President of the Russian Federation and Chairman of the People’s Republic of China in Connection with the 10th Anniversary of the Treaty on Good Neighborhood, Friendship and Cooperation Between RF and PRC
Joint Statement of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China on the Current Situation in the World and Major International Issues
The Astana Decade Declaration of Shanghai Cooperation Organization
A. Ostrovsky. China’s Economy on the Verge of the 12th Five-Year Plan: Results and Prospects
B. Zhiguleva. The Interaction of Internal and External Growth Factors in Chinese Economy
Z. Muromtseva. China’s Industrial Policy in 2006–2015 in the Light of a New Type of Industrialization
A. Salitsky, I. Tomberg. China’s External Economic Relations: New Trends
A. Larin. The Chinese Modernization: Prompts for Russia
A. Krushinsky. Post-Soviet Factor in «Chinese Miracle»
A. Davydov. Sino-US Relations at a New Stage: What Lies Ahead?
A. Semine. Tokyo-Beijing: If the Potential for Conflict Remains?
L. Badalian, V. Krivorotov. Special Way in China: a New Paradigm of Production — an Object-Oriented Design and the Development of «Heartland»
O. Borokh. The Economic Debate in China in Post-Crisis Period
A. Sidorova. The Problem of Unemployment Among University Graduates in China in Connection with the Reform of Higher Education
A. Pantsov, D. Spichak. Deng Xiaoping in Moscow (1926–1927): Ideological Formation of Revolutionary and Future Chinese Reformer
D. Senina. The Formation and Development Stages of the Banking System in Japan
V. Dmitrieva. 65 Years of Korean Studies in Moscow
Ex-President of the Republic of Korea Kim Young-sam Visits Russia
A. Davydov, V. Portyakov. Russian Sinologists in Vietnam
Vadim Ivanovich Shabalin — 80 years


A. Ostrovsky. China’s Economy on the Verge of the 12th Five-Year Plan: Results and Prospects
At the 4th session of the National People’s Congress of the 11th convocation in March 2011 it was decided «to create a prosperous society in China by 2020.» A key element of this task is the 12th Five-Year Plan for socio-economic development of China for 2011–2015, which is a part of China’s economic strategy to be second in the world by indices of national power after the United States by 2050. Adopted by the PRC leadership development plan for the economy in 2006–2010 and subsequent adjustments thereto allowed the country to avoid the most serious consequences of the global financial crisis. But to meet the objectives, China will have to make the transition to the development of an innovative economy during the period of the 12th Five-Year Plan.
Key words: 12th Five-Year Plan, the global financial crisis, national power, the expan-sion of domestic demand, the transition to innovative economy.

B. Zhiguleva. The Interaction of Internal and External Growth Factors in Chinese Economy
The combination of three types of demand (consumption, investment and external demand) is important factor of economic growth in China. Expansion of external demand con-tributed not only to the inflow of foreign investment and technology, but also to the expansion of domestic consumer and investment demand. However, policies to stimulate domestic de-mand in 2009–2010 to compensate for losses caused by the decline in exports are still based on a significant expansion in investment, and the contribution from consumer demand remained low. The consequence of this policy was the overheating of Chinese economy and the rise of commodity indexes and commodity prices.
Key words: growth factors of the economy, three types of demand, investment, exports and imports.

Z. Muromtseva. China’s Industrial Policy in 2006–2015 in the Light of a New Type of Industrialization
Although the industrial production of China is one of the largest in the world, the quality gap between it and the industrialized countries remains significant. The paper analyzes the results of industrial policy in 2006–2010 and plans for 2011–2015 within the context of a new type of industrialization.
Key words: new type of industrialization, innovation, high technology, state-owned en-terprises, the competitiveness, quality of products.

A. Salitsky, I. Tomberg. China’s External Economic Relations: New Trends
The article is devoted to current trends in the development of external economic rela-tions of China and its position in the international division of labor.
Key words: industrial system, the exchange rate, export platform, dependence on foreign trade, the sustainability of growth.

A. Larin. The Chinese Modernization: Prompts for Russia
Comparison of the modernization process in China and Russia shows that a key factor in its success is the quality of power — it must have a high degree of capacity and still be vi-tally interested in the profound transformation of society. This interest arises if the country is faced with critical challenges that threaten its existence, and the ruling class is aware of the in-divisibility of the country’s fate and his own. A necessary condition for successful reform is also a visible increase in living standards.
Key words: modernization, reforms, authoritarianism, political will, political respon-sibility, standard of living, people’s well-being.

A. Krushinsky. Post-Soviet Factor in «Chinese Miracle»
Assessing the «Chinese miracle» (in its economic and geopolitical manifestations), the author focuses on one of the factors of the phenomenon (not yet taken into account by scien-tists) — the collapse of the Soviet Union. Due to its skillful use China has won extensive mar-ket for its goods, strategic cheap raw materials, geopolitical support in Eurasia. Finding a num-ber of unique Soviet «know-how ‘has helped China to re-equip the army, to strengthen its posi-tion in space exploration. «Post-Soviet factor» in the article is treated as a prerequisite for pre-dicted transformation of China by the middle of the 21st century in a leading world power.
Key words: collapse of the Soviet Union, globalization, world factory, «chimerika» cheap labor, border zone of openness, the missile «Changzheng» flight of «Shenzhou-5», «alter-native history».

A. Davydov. Sino-US Relations at a New Stage: What Lies Ahead?
This article analyzes the relationship between China and the U.S. for the past two and a half years. The author concludes that by reaching an uneasy agreement the parties have worked out at this stage some kind of paradigm of mutual conduct to regulate in non-confrontational manner problems and differences emerging between them.
In preparing the article the author used data from his previous publications, as well as analytical materials of the Institute for Far Eastern Studies (RAS), in preparation of which he has been involved.
Key words: China, USA, G-2, strategic interests, regional and global conflicts.

A. Semine. Tokyo-Beijing: If the Potential for Conflict Remains?
The article highlights developments in relations between Japan and China in connec-tion with the incident that took place on September 7, 2010 in the East China Sea.
The author points to the source of such incidents, reveals the site of serious contradic-tions between the two countries: the dispute around sovereignty of the Senkaku Islands, the lack of an agreed maritime boundary and a uniform approach to the development of oil and gas resources in the East China Sea. He concludes that the continuing potential for conflict is a threat to the stable and good-neighborly relations.
Keywords: Japan, China, the Senkaku Islands, territorial dispute, the maritime bound-ary, oil and gas resources.

L. Badalian, V. Krivorotov. Special Way in China: a New Paradigm of Production — an Object-Oriented Design and the Development of «Heartland»
The authors describe the emergence of a new mode of production, which is a resource-saving and labor-intensive — in Chinese style, but also technologically advanced and most ca-pable to overcome the «bottlenecks» of today’s processing industries. A new type of production is based on the revival of the traditional institution of the local co-operatives and may become the nucleus of a new technological style, which will significantly reduce production costs by eliminating several costly stages in developing a new product.
Key words: object-oriented design, fordism, Chongqing, production of motorcycles, China’s «heartlands».

O. Borokh. The Economic Debate in China in Post-Crisis Period
The article describes the main trends of Chinese economic science in 2008 after Chinese economists have studied approaches to understanding of the lessons of global eco-nomic crisis and China’s success in overcoming its negative consequences. Scientists ana-lyzed the debate about «Chinese model» of development, the specific mechanisms of macro-control, the State’s role in the economy. Drawing on the experience of China, scientists seek to rethink the major areas of world economic theories and creation of an influential Chinese economic science.
Key words: economic science, crisis management policy, «China model», the State’s role in economy, macro-control, rethinking of economic theory.

A. Sidorova. The Problem of Unemployment Among University Graduates in China in Connection with the Reform of Higher Education
The article shows how the market mechanism in China’s education system since the late 1970s and the emergence of higher education on a mass scale had led to the unemployment among university graduates. The actions taken by the State and universities to enhance gradu-ate employment rates are considered.
Key words: PRC, reform of higher education, the hierarchy of universities and gradu-ates, unemployment among university graduates.

A. Pantsov, D. Spichak. Deng Xiaoping in Moscow (1926–1927): Ideological Formation of Revolutionary and Future Chinese Reformer
This article is based upon newly discovered archival documents from the Russian Ar-chives of Social and Political History (RGASPI), including Deng Xiaoping’s personal files as well as personal files of his classmates. It thoroughly examines Deng Xiaoping’s days in Mos-cow in 1926–27 when he took classes at Sun Yat-sen University — leading Comintern school of higher learning. The authors meticulously research ideological and political impact of the Bolshevik education on the future great Chinese reformer. They conclusively demonstrate that Deng’s study in Moscow at the time when the New Economic Policy was emphasized in the USSR greatly enriched his Marxist views. It laid theoretical foundations for the imminent emergence of the so-called Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the People’s Republic of China.
Key words: Deng Xiaoping, Comintern, Sun Yat-sen University of the Toilers of China, sino-soviet relations.

D. Senina. The Formation and Development Stages of the Banking System in Japan
Article is devoted to the history of formation and development of the banking system in Japan, starting with the origin of the capitalist relations up to 1950, when a completion of the formation of the national banking system along Western lines took place.
Key words: banking system, monetary relations, money lender, credit, loan, paper money, foreign currency, exchange transactions.