The Far Eastern Affairs N1 2021

Contents & Summary N1 2021




Gordeeva I.V. Taiwan’s Place in the Confrontation Between the United States and Japan with China

Namzhilova V.O., Batomunkuev V.S. Mongolian-Chinese Border: Transformation of Border Infrastructure and the Impact of the SREB


Leksyutina Ya.V. Russia’s Cooperation with Northeast Asian Countries in the Commercial Development of the Arctic

Komarov M.E. Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Kupina L.K. Trade of the Republic of Korea and Central Asian Сountries in the XXI Сentury

Zakharova L.V., Shkatov D.E. Economic Studies in the DPRK (Based on the Analysis of Kyóngje Yóngu Journal)

Military Build-up

Polonchuk R.А. Features of China’s Military Policy at the Present Stage


Li Fenglin. Historical Past of Sino-Soviet Relations and the Future of Sino-Russian Relations

Arincheva D.А., Pantsov A.V. Miao Boying — the First Chinese Female Communist (To the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party)


Maliavin V.V. “All-Under-Heaven” or “Asia”? On Utopian Premises of Modern Politics in the Far-Eastern Region


Smirnov D.A., Stepanova E.N. The Christian Community in Taiwan and in Greater China on the Modern Stage


Belozerova V.G. “Modern Chinese Ink Painting” by Qu Leilei

Scientific events

Samsonova V.G., Polenova A.L., Kalmykova M.V. On the VIII Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Conference at the Center for Korean Studies of IFES RAS

Zakharova L.V., Kulintsev Yu.V., Mokretskiy A.Ch. The VIII International Scientific Conference of Young Orientalists at the IFES RAS “East Asia: Past, Present, Future”

Scholar Jubilee

Jubilee of Lyubov Vladimirovna Novoselova

Jubilee of Raisa Grigorievna Baryshnikova

Ad Memoriam

In memory of Yuri Mikhailovich Galenovich


Taiwan’s Place in the Confrontation Between the United States and Japan with China

Irina V. Gordeeva

The article is devoted to a topical issue — the role of Taiwan in the growing confrontation between the United States and Japan and China for influence in the APR. It is noted that Washington and Tokyo intend to further obstruct the reunification of Taiwan with the PRC, which would seriously strengthen China’s position in the Pacific Ocean. Under D. Trump’s administration, the United States has noticeably stepped up support for Taiwan, both in the sphere of expanding Taipei’s official ties, and in supplying it with American weapons. On the whole, a line developed by Washington and Tokyo (and agreed with Taipei) to consolidate Taiwan’s de facto independent existence is emerging. Beijing, however, clearly states that it will apply the necessary means in order to defend the territorial integrity of the PRC within the framework of the adopted concept of «one country, two systems.»

Mongolian-Chinese Border: Transformation of Border Infrastructure and the Impact of the SREB

Victoria O. Namzhilova

Valentin S. Batomunkuev

The article examines the features of the development of border infrastructure on the Mongolian-Chinese border. Noting the dynamically developing foreign trade relations between Mongolia and China, the authors analyze the changes taking place in the border zone. Particular attention is paid to considering not only the current system of checkpoints, but also the prospects for opening new border crossings, mainly related to the export of mineral resources.

Russia’s Cooperation with Northeast Asian Countries in the Commercial Development of the Arctic

Yana V. Leksyutina

The article reveals the specifics and scale of Russia’s cooperation with China, Japan and South Korea in the commercial development of the Arctic in such areas as the development of the resource base of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and the Northern Sea Route as Russia’s globally competitive national transport corridor. It focuses on identifying major factors constraining the development of Arctic cooperation between Russia and Northeast Asian countries.

Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: the Economic Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mikhail E. Komarov

The article examines various economic aspects of the preparation and staging of the Olympic Games in Tokyo in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The article provides an analysis of the growth of the expenses and transaction cost of the stakeholders and scrutinizes the issues of access of National Olympic Committees delegations to Japan and of spectators to the stadiums. The author analyzes various scenarios of staging Tokyo Games, 6 groups of coronavirus countermeasures and simplification and cost cutting initiatives in 4 areas.

Trade of the Republic of Korea and Central Asian Сountries in the XXI Сentury

Liudmila K. Kupina

The article observes the structure and dynamics of trade between the Republic of Korea and Central Asia from 2000 to 2019. The existing trade turnover is imbalanced with an outdated trade structure, as South Korean exports of manufactured goods dominate in mutual trade flows, whereas Central Asia mainly exports are primary commodities and raw materials. Low involvement of Central Asian republics in global value chains is the main cause of existing inefficient trade and it also significantly hiders the development of investment cooperation. The implementation of reforms by Central Asian countries will contribute to the development of other trade areas and economic relations, as well as promote the diversification of trade structure with South Korea.

Economic Studies in the DPRK (Based on the Analysis of Kyóngje Yóngu Journal)

Liudmila V. Zakharova

Danil Е. Shkatov

The article introduces “Kyóngje Yóngu” /경제연구 («Economic Studies»), a North Korean academic journal, into the modern Korean studies in Russia as a source of data on key directions of the DPRK’s economic development, as well as areas and methods of achieving growth that are of interest to the country’s leadership. Using the method of content analysis on the example of the journal issues for 2018, when the country’s leader announced a new strategic course, the authors highlight the main research topics and reveal the approaches of North Korean economists to their coverage.

Features of China’s Military Policy at the Present Stage

Ruslan A. Polonchuk

The article examines the features of the military policy of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) at the present stage of development. The analysis of factors influencing the military policy of China is carried out. The challenges and threats to the national security of the PRC in the Asian-Pacific area are considered. Special attention is paid to examining the economic and legal aspects of the Chinese military policy and the directions of military-technical cooperation of the PRC with foreign countries.

Historical Past of Sino-Soviet Relations and the Future of Sino-Russian Relations

Li Fenglin

A few words before the publication by Shen Zhihua et al. “A Brief History of Sino-Soviet Relations. New Research and Reflections on the History of Sino-Soviet Relations 1917–1991”. In an article written in connection with the publication in China of a new book on the history of Soviet-Chinese relations, the author, who has worked for many years in the diplomatic field in Moscow, formulates some general approaches to the history and current state of bilateral relations, including what lessons must be drawn from the very dramatic trajectory of the development of relations between the PRC and the USSR.

Miao Boying — the First Chinese Female Communist (To the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party)

Daria A. Arincheva

Alexander V. Pantsov

At the end of July 1921, thirteen Chinese supporters of Bolshevism, gathered at their first congress, proclaimed the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. They represented seven Chinese communist cells operating in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Jinan, and Tokyo, as well as Chen Duxiu (1879-1940), the most authoritative leader of the Chinese communist movement who was unable to come to the congress and sent his deputy instead. At that time there were fifty-eight persons in the ranks of the newly established party. There were only two women among them, including Miao Boying (1899-1929), a twenty-two-year old student of the Beijing Women`s Higher Pedagogical Institute, the first woman from China to join the communist movement which she had done back in November 1920. An active propagandist of Bolshevik ideas and a talented organizer of the women’s and revolutionary labor movement, she lived a short but extremely eventful life, devoting all her strength to the cause of liberating China. The coming jubilee of the CCP is an appropriate date to pay tribute to her memory.

“All-Under-Heaven” or “Asia”? On Utopian Premises of Modern Politics in the Far-Eastern Region

Vladimir V. Maliavin

The article deals with the philosophical foundations and historical consequences of two influential political concepts in the Far East: “New All-Under-Heaven” and “Asia as method.” As the author shows, politics in the Far East have been traditionally based on the categories of the “Void” and “Transformation” which gave rise to the specific type of utopic consciousness with its motif of the universal co-being within the encompassing yet singular event. The “New All-Under-Heaven” reflects the global aspirations of PRC without negating local specificity. The concept of “Asia as method” aims at decolonization and deimperialization in the commonwealth of equal states and has become popular mostly in South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. The author examines the confrontation between these theories and suggests ways for their possible integration.

The Christian Community in Taiwan and in Greater China on the Modern Stage

Dmitry A. Smirnov

Elena N. Stepanova

The article analyses the process of Christianization in Taiwan and in Great China, the reasons for its intensity changes in different periods in comparison with the similar processes in the South-Eastern states, the peculiarities of Christianity taiwanization and sinization, the choice of languages for Christian messes in Taiwan as well as the long-term problems of China and Vatican relationship which inevitably concern Taiwan, and the perspective of “catacomb” Catholic church appearance in Hong Kong.

“Modern Chinese Ink Painting” by Qu Leilei

Vera G. Belozerova

The term «modern Chinese ink painting» refers to the latest trends in Chinese painting that combine Guohua painting with Western modernist styles. This article is the first attempt in Russian art criticism to analyze the problems of interaction between monochrome ink painting and the art world of the West through the work of a prominent propagandist of Chinese painting in the West, the artist Qu Leilei (born in 1951). European images and themes in the works of Qu Leilei open up new expressive possibilities of traditional ink to Chinese and European viewers.